Sunday Running Log #19


I set a goal for myself to run 12 miles in under two hours.  I also decided to run in the outfit I would wear for the half-marathon, which included my running skirt and my Gracie’s Gear top with a Cliff Shot stored in my trusty Power Pouch. 


As much as I wanted to run the Starkey Trail to prepare for the Rally to Remember, my running partners and I simply couldn’t coordinate a time that worked for everyone in our little running group.  So, we ran around the neighborhood like we always do for our Sunday runs.


My goal is to improve my time, which means stopping for fewer water breaks and reprogramming myself to run 6 miles without stopping.  For my long runs, I typically stop for my first water break at 3 miles, but I am trying to build up my endurance.  Running with Jackie has definitely helped with that because she never stops.


Before my run, I downed a vanilla bean GU to test it out before next week’s race.  I wanted to see how my bowels would handle this new gel. 


For most of the run, Jackie and I kept the pace at 8:00-8:30 mm, but there were times were I had to slow down to a 10:00 mm or even walk for a few seconds.  The first 6 miles were tough because Jackie just dragged me along. 


At about 6.7 miles, I stopped for a short water break and Cliff Shot


Since Jackie only planned to run 6 miles, we parted our ways and I ran the next 6 miles alone at a 9:00-9:30 mm pace.  Then, my legs started to chafe and I made a detour to Lori’s house for some first aid care Vaseline.  I realized if I wear my cute little running skirt for the race, I need to pack some Vaseline in my power pouch, too.


Just as I had planned, I finished the 12 miles under two hours: 1:55:13


Based on my training time, I am feeling confident about my performance at next week’s race.  I will place for my division, damn it!

8 thoughts on “Sunday Running Log #19

  1. Awesome run! I had to giggle on the Vaseline comment…I love Body Glide! The hubby uses it to get his wetsuit to “glide” on, but it works wonders for ole thunder thighs here, too, when she runs!

  2. Good job. I really vow not to enter more racing to close to the enrty without preparing…

    Testing out the GU is a good idea…I did a couple of things on my 1/2 marathon in August that I didn’t do during training and paid the price.

    I just don’t have the time to log good miles in, but really should have done more training.

    It is always funny watching the people taking preventative measures for the “chafing” during the pre-race…it is borderline indecent.

  3. Thanks for you support, everyone!

    MTAE- Funny you should mention the preventative measures during a race…At Disney, my granny panties caused me to chafe badly. Applying Vaseline during that race may have looked pretty pornographic to the spectators. I surprised the cast members let me into the parks!

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