Push-Up Challenge, Day 2

For Day 2 of the hundred pushup challenge, I started at Week 3 based on my initial test.  For the first set, I tried my hand at 12 manly push-ups.  The last two were a little shaky and I was thankful for the 60 second rest. 


For the next two sets (17 and 13), I did girlie push-ups with a 60 second rest between the sets again.  Feeling strong for the last set, I went for another set of 13 manly push-ups.  Way to finish strong!  WABAM!  How you like me now?

5 thoughts on “Push-Up Challenge, Day 2

  1. I have to admit that I officially SUCK! I didn’t start this on day one. NOr did I start this on day two. So, guess who has to start on day three and kick it up several notches???/ Yikes! oh well. Wish me luck!? lol

    You rock, btw!!! And I owe a thanks to you for motivating me to even start this. I will update how I did/do tomorrow. 😉

  2. Hey! Where’s the video? I can’t be truly inspired without a video of you actually doing the push-ups! I did my three sets too, but it just wasn’t the same without it!

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