Fireworks and Lights

Like everyone else in America on Independence Day (July 4th), I obsessively tried to capture photos of fireworks.  After reading Naptime Momtog’s tutorial, I set my camera appropriately…except I failed to use a tripod.

I was too busy taking photos of the kids and our street performance.

Every time a bomb burst in the air, I would quickly spin myself in the general direction, click and hope for the best, sometimes only catching the tail end of the fireworks.

As a result, my firework photos have a slight swirly burred effect to them.

At least the photos of the kids with their sparklers came out really cool…

…and I don’t fear photographing the lights anymore.


Denise Mestanza-Taylor+

A Fizzed Firework and a Party in the USA

Last night, my neighbors were having a dress rehearsal with their fireworks to prepare for tonight, which gave me an opportunity to test out the settings on my SLR camera.  As you can see, I didn’t quite figure it out.

So, if you have any tips, I would love to hear them.  Nighttime setting with flash? Sport setting? Flash off? Lower the shutter speed?  Which F-Stop?  *sigh* Lots to learn!  Hopefully I’ll snap some better photos tonight.

Speaking of duds, this morning I was a slacker.  I overslept and I missed the Lutz Independence Run.  This little firecracker totally fizzed.  So, I missed the race but there’s always next year to let my red, white and blue colors burst.

There have been some really longs days around here with and I guess my body needed the sleep.  Or maybe these little runner legs needed some better training for the marathon shopping my sisters-in-law made me endure.  No need to worry about me, though. I’m well-rested now and ready to party!

I hope your day is bursting with fun and your camera is set at the right F-stop!

Happy Fourth of July!

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